Wind, Water, and Solar Power
From the smallest tweaks to the biggest goals, we look for any way we can possibly reduce our overall
energy consumption and maximize green energy sources. We are thrilled to be working with a new solar
park in Denmark to significantly increase our solar energy use. In 2021, our total wind, water, and
solar energy mix made up about 12% of our total energy use, but we knew we could do better. In 2023, we
are projected to get an additional 75% of our electricity from solar power, bringing our total wind,
water, and solar mix to as much as 87% by the end of this year.
At the smaller scale, we are
running a project in our Danish offices and factory to change all lighting types to be LED, which thus far has
saved us 42% on our overall energy consumption from lighting. Lightbulbs sound like a small step to
take, but in a large factory whose lights have to be on year-round, these small steps make a
big impact.
A Better Way To Heat
In the past, heating our Danish factory was primarily done via oil-based kettle, which had a very high yearly consumption. The process of improving has been a long one, but we’re proud of the progress we’ve made so far. First, we tried moving to a rotating kettle, which burned wood waste material, but we found that it still had to be supplemented with oil to account for the cold Danish winters and ultimately didn’t lower our consumption as much as we wanted.
In mid-2022, we found a solution that worked better. We purchased two new kettles which burn ecofriendly wooden pellets instead of oil, which allows us to adjust our heating easily depending on the season’s needs. The first six months have proven to be a success - these kettles have cut our overall consumption in half. As a bonus, the wood pellets we use are a carbon neutral material, helping us keep the entire process as low impact as possible.